I remember the sheer disappointment crossing the faces of countless first-grade students as they finally realized that not only did the tooth fairy and easter bunny turn out to be their parents, but the most beloved of all holiday figures, Santa Clause himself was merely a myth. I can recall the hushed whispers across lunch tables, warning older students that, "Susan still believed in -insert worldly holiday figure here-"
Growing up in a fairly strong Christian home, it was easy for me to see the fine line between fiction and reality. I, as a child, celebrated holidays on both sides of the spectrum. On Christmas I wrote letters to the jolly man in the red suit, awaited baskets from the 6ft bunny on Easter and placed neatly plucked teeth under my pillow for the tooth fairy. At the same time, my parents made sure that my brother and I understood the true spiritual aspect of the holidays. It was always important to remember that Christmas was not just a day for me to unwrap new toys, but it was a day to celebrate the day that a child come to save the world had been born and Easter was to celebrate his death and resurrection. It wasn't until I was quite a bit older that this fact dug deep into my heart and had a genuine impact. I don't think that I had ever fully believed in any mythical holiday figure, but they certainly gave me a chance to widen my imagination, which may not be a blessing after all.
Would the true meaning of these holidays have impacted me as greatly had I never been introduced to the world-version? Most likely, yes.
As I watch Christian teens around me fall ever so quickly into the hands of this world, most of them claiming that Christianity is "too much of a fairy tale", I realize the importance of the values my parents instilled at church while I grew up. The most important thing that any parent can hope for their child is that they have a firm faith in the Lord, and I hope that when I do have kids, I can help my children know the distinct line between truth and fiction.
Faith is the foundation of a Christian's relationship with their Lord and Savior and I find my colorful imagination a slight hindering factor. It becomes harder and harder to believe in something I've been taught from birth when so many endless possibilities await at the tips of my mind. But still, deep in my heart, I know what is real. I know the reality of Christ.
It is easy to give into the cute fantasies of the world and let your child, "have a little fun" on the holidays, but it is important to remember that what you teach your child now will have an impact later. Whether it be the stunning realization that Santa isn't real, or that the Easter Bunny never existed, a truly flawed and dishonest parent is revealed in a child's eyes. The foundations of faith have to be instilled from the start or your wide-eyed toddler will grow into a doubting teen and possibly a skeptical adult. Children are not as naive as they are typically made out to be, and children realize above all ages the severity of being lied to. If you were lying about Santa...what about this Jesus guy?
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